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A Move to Sustainable 运输 for Olympics Host Cities

在过去十年中,与举办奥运会和残奥会相关的要求和后勤工作发生了重大变化. 最近几届奥运会给主办城市留下的遗产很少,但却付出了巨大的代价,因此有一个有意识的目标是减轻主办城市的负担. 为了提高...

作者:Marc Tan



在过去十年中,与举办奥运会和残奥会相关的要求和后勤工作发生了重大变化. 最近几届奥运会给主办城市留下的遗产很少,但却付出了巨大的代价,因此有一个有意识的目标是减轻主办城市的负担. 为了提高 the sustainability of Games organization and delivery, the International Olympic Committee has released a document, 题为“新规范”. 这份文件概述了旨在为未来主办城市简化奥运会规划和运营的建议. 这进一步得益于决定放宽一些以前的奥运会交付要求.

交通是主办城市产生影响的主要因素之一. 交通规划和运输对任何一个奥运城市来说都是一项庞大的后勤工作, accounting for the need to move thousands of athletes, 官员, 志愿者, and spectators across the many Games facilities. 取决于城市, this might take place on top of an already constrained transportation networks. Due to the scale of what’s required to operate the Games transportation system, 采用更好的做法可以增加奥运会的可持续性及其对奥运会利益相关者(运动员)的影响, 官员, 志愿者, 媒体, 和劳动力). 新规范文件阐述了交通对奥运会的重要性,并为新的可持续交通战略奠定了基础, 如下所述.

Host cities should leverage existing infrastructure, from venues to the transportation network, to the extent in which it is possible. This includes implementing strategies such as:

  • 在现有和规划的高阶公共交通线路(快速公交)附近设置场馆群, 轻轨交通, and/or Metros) to move spectators and other Games stakeholders more efficiently;
  • 策略性地将场馆集群内的设施分组,以允许场馆之间的互动, consolidating transportation resources to one location;
  • Leveraging the full transportation network, 包括拼车和出租车服务与公共交通相结合,以支持奥运会利益相关者的交通. This includes stakeholders like 志愿者, 员工, and spectators with a goal to reduce single occupancy vehicles; and
  • 与当地公共交通机构合作,促进观众使用公共交通工具. 这包括通过提供更频繁的服务和更大的覆盖区域来扩大对场馆的服务,以覆盖奥运会的足迹.

历届奥运会期间, 不同的利益相关者有自己的专用运输服务,由组委会提供. 最近, the requirements for dedicated Games transportation services have been relaxed, opening the door for greater emphasis on strategies such as:

  • Promoting the use of public transit through free public transit for spectators;
  • Encouraging the use of public transit for 媒体; and
  • Combining transportation services for different Games stakeholders, 鼓励使用公共交通工具,并在奥运会利益相关团体之间共享组委会服务.

现场观众停车场会对奥运会场馆周围的道路网络产生重大影响. Controlling parking for Games events is key. 一些策略包括:

  • Discouraging vehicle trips by eliminating on-site parking and implementing consolidated offsite parking and ride facilities in areas where traffic can be better managed; and
  • 研究使用科技来管理泊车转乘地点的停车需求,以尽量减少对地区交通的影响.

未来-minded transportation infrastructure is an important legacy piece of any Games. 然而,任何为游戏构建的基础设施都必须考虑到遗产和可访问性. Strategies to ensure this include:

  • 规划 transportation with accessibility at the forefront. Public transit and transit facilities should include stakeholders of all abilities and ages; and
  • 建设交通基础设施,为奥运会后的社区服务, 提供遗产. 这可以包括为主办城市欠发达地区提供新的高级交通服务,以鼓励发展.

While developing a robust transportation plan for the execution of any Games, 使用通信策略和伙伴关系对于减少网络上车辆的总行程数量将是重要的. Some strategies to achieve this include:

  • Implementing a public education campaign through 运输 Demand Management. This can encourage flexible and/or telework approaches for the general public in order to reduce peak hour demand; and
  • 与教育机构(小学和高等教育)建立合作关系,修改春假和/或三月假的时间,以防这些时间与奥运会日程重叠,从而导致交通和基础设施紧张.

整体, 这些只是一些可以用来缓解奥运会期间交通压力的策略. As the next generation of Olympics and Paralympic Games unfold, the focus moving forward will be developing and implementing sustainable strategies. Look out for them in the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Summer Games, 2022年北京冬奥会, 以及2024年巴黎夏季奥运会.

Marc Tan, P. 英格., 是AG平台的一名交通工程师,在交通运营方面有丰富的经验, Intelligent 运输 系统, 数据分析, and large special events transportation planning. Marc通过他在2015年多伦多泛美/泛美运动会的工作,在大型特殊活动的多式联运运营方面拥有丰富的经验. 泛美/泛美运动会, 他负责协调和规划运动员和其他奥运客户的交通网络,以确保可靠的出行. For the Calgary Olympic / Paralympic Bid Corporation, Marc worked as the 运输 Lead, 领导交通工作小组,并与卡尔加里市密切合作,为申办制定交通计划.

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